er of things floating on the lake. When I got closer, I discovered that they were all dead fish.

er of things floating on the lake. When I got closer, I discovered that they were all dead fish.
There are bighead carp, pike, bastard fish and the like. Some fish float to the shore, and the ducks prepare to eat them as food.
Among them was a large golden carp nearly 80 centimeters long. It was beating feebly. The fish fell to the shore and was bullied by ducks. Many of its scales were removed.
Han Xuan walked over and lifted it into the water. The big carp swung its tail and floated on the water slowly, wondering whether it could survive.
In the shallow water near the shore, the lotus flowers were in full bloom, but they dropped their pink petals, revealing tender yellow lotus pods.
When the birch trees are blown by the wind, some green leaves fall off. These are very abnormal. I have lived in the snow mountain pasture for so long and such strange things have never happened.
Animals love to come here, and you can often see white-tailed deer, elk and other animals.
/But this time he walked all the way to the tree house and found no sign of them. Instead, he saw some dead insects, and the ground seemed to be covered with a layer of ash. Later he realized that they were all fireflies.
It was so quiet that no birds could be heard. Han Xuan hugged Jigglypuff, who was almost paralyzed from exhaustion, and asked him: “It has changed here, right?”
Jigglypuff didn’t understand what the owner meant by “changed”, but he still nodded. head.
It used to like Snow Mountain Ranch very much. There was something that attracted it here, but now it can’t feel it anymore. It dances and gestures. In the past,
Snow Mountain Ranch was the pride of cowboys. When they told others about their work, they would give a thumbs up and praise them. This is a magical place, and I am envious of my good fortune to be able to work at the Snow Mountain Ranch.
During this period of time, the cowboys have worked harder, and many cattle and sheep have begun to develop various diseases and need careful care. However, there is no way to prevent the fact that the Act content is getting smaller and smaller.
As night falls.
When Han Xuan visited Old Barton’s house with the specialties he bought from China, he found that Old John, Anderson, Martinez, and Alexander were also there.
All of them had sad faces, dirty hair, and smelled of sweat and cigarette smoke. They seemed to be exhausted. Each of them had a glass of beer in front of them.
You can guess what these people were talking about just now. Han Xuan smiled and said: “They are all here. That’s great. It saves me having to send them door to door. There are many in the car that I brought from China and Japan.” Take some of the specialties when you come back.”
“What did you do this afternoon? I saw you driving past the place where I graze.”
Martinez, the black cowboy, said with a smile.
He was not in a good mood. Recently, everyone was talking about the end of Snow Mountain Ranch. How could he feel better?
Other jobs can be changed easily, but for the western cowboy,

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